How Landscapers Utilize Plantings for a Purpose in Mind in the Boxborough and Hopkinton, MA Areas

How Landscapers Utilize Plantings for a Purpose in Mind in the Boxborough and Hopkinton, MA Areas

Creating an outdoor space that allows you to relax and enjoy time with family and friends is likely top of mind this time of year. Whether you want an expansive outdoor living space or a relaxing area to lounge, expertly curated plantings can elevate the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor surroundings at your Boxborough and Hopkinton, MA area home. Here is how landscapers utilize plantings for a purpose to establish a lush and inviting outdoor living area.

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Enhance the Visual Impact

If your goal is to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your back or front yard, then your landscape contractor will likely discuss with you the varieties of plant species, colors, and textures that you can choose from. Having a diverse array of plantings throughout your property will help to captivate the eyes of passersby and guests.

Strategic placement of plantings in different areas of your yard can help to add depth and pops of color throughout the seasons. Tall trees can be utilized to frame your home or to surround an area that you want shaded in your backyard, while colorful flowers and shrubs can be used to add pops of vibrant color around retaining walls and pergolas.

Create a Sense of Privacy

Maybe your home is near a busy street or you have neighbors just over the fence that you want additional privacy from. Either way, using plantings strategically can help create natural barriers that shield your property from nearby eyes. Evergreen trees can be useful to line your backyard or pool area and shrubs can be utilized to create a natural fence line around your property.

In addition to providing privacy, plantings can also create a sense of enclosure, which will make your outdoor space feel more intimate. The combination of tall trees, shrubs, and perennials can help you to create “rooms” in your backyard that helps to define different areas such as the gathering area in front of a fire feature, and an outdoor kitchen/outdoor dining space.

Develop an Edible Garden

If you have always wanted to grow your own fruits and vegetables, plantings can be a great way to create your own backyard garden. Your landscape contractor can work with you to determine which fruits and vegetables will grow best in your climate and develop a design plan. An outdoor garden can be ideal above a beautiful retaining wall and as your plants begin to produce fruits and vegetables, the pops of color can be aesthetically pleasing.

Complement Your Home Design

The use of plantings can create a cohesive design style that flows seamlessly from the interior of your home to your entire outdoor space. For instance, if you have a modern home and personal style, you might enjoy simple plantings such as succulents. However, if you prefer a traditional style and feel, then classic plantings such as roses or hydrangeas might appeal to your preferences.

Choose Plants That Will Thrive

One of the key components to strategic plantings is to work with your landscape contractor to select plantings that will thrive in your climate, soil conditions, and the maintenance that you are prepared for. Making informed choices about the right trees, flowers, and shrubs will ensure that you can enjoy your beautiful plantings for years to come.

Related: For a Fresh Landscape This Spring, Consider the Benefits of Hydroseeding and Adding New Plantings in the Shrewsbury, MA, Area

About the Author

Our custom design styles and planting options can reinvigorate your home’s entrance or revitalize your backyard. Whether you’re looking to add an outdoor kitchen or need the personal touch of estate ground maintenance, we stand behind our high level of service and expert workmanship.


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