Prepare Your Landscape for a Healthy Summer in Shrewsbury and Concord, MA, with Proper Irrigation

Prepare Your Landscape for a Healthy Summer in Shrewsbury and Concord, MA, with Proper Irrigation

Along with fertilizer and sunshine, irrigation might be one of the big three for a healthy Shrewsbury and Concord, MA, summer landscape and lawn. To combat the hot summer sun, your property needs proper irrigation to prepare the landscape and lawn for warm weather.

Related: Make Irrigation System Maintenance Part of Your Spring Landscaping Prep in Sudbury and Northborough, MA

Irrigation Benefits

Keeping your lawn and landscape watered is an essential part of maintaining good health and encouraging vigorous growth. The benefits of automated irrigation can free you up to do other things in the summer months. 

Precise and targeted: Automated irrigation is focused on precise areas that need a specific amount of water. When a landscape contractor designs and installs your irrigation system, they evaluate the amount of water each zone needs. The shady spots don’t need as much irrigation as the sunny spaces which can save you money. The problem with dragging the sprinkler to various parts of the landscape can be that it waters every place the same amount regardless of how much sun it receives. 

Efficient: Think about all those times you have hauled the hose to and fro, trying to keep your grass, shrubs, and trees watered. An automated irrigation system eliminates that effort and gives you back your time. Each zone gets the most efficient amount of water depending on the needs. 

Ideal coverage: When you drag the sprinkler around the yard, many times you can forget about it only to realize three hours later that you need to move it to another location. By that time, you have watered the sidewalk, driveway, and street. The automated irrigation system gives the ideal watering coverage to each area without wasting the water. This way you no longer have to set a timer to remind you to go out and move the sprinkler. 

Maximum absorption: Because an irrigation system is set to work in the early morning hours, the roots of the grass and plants have ample time to absorb that water before the sun rises to burn off the excess. This can be an ideal situation because the entire landscape is watered before you wake up. Often, you cannot water the yard until after work when the ground and air are still hot and the water evaporates quickly before the roots can access it. 

Saves money: The efficiency and targeted watering of your lawn and landscape can save you time in addition to money in the long term. You won’t be wasting money on water that runs into the street because the entire outdoor space will be irrigated in the early dawn hours that absorbs quickly and completely. 

Professional oversight: When your landscape contractor arrives each week to mow the grass and trim the edges, they can check the irrigation system to ensure it is operating properly. This can bring you peace of mind since they handle all the details to ensure the lawn and landscape are thriving. 

Proper irrigation can be an underrated feature of your landscape but the reality is that it keeps all the living things watered and healthy. An irrigation system can do what you would prefer not to—water the lawn and landscape in Shrewsbury, MA at the ideal time of day and in the most efficient way possible. When you have a lush, healthy lawn and a thriving landscape, you can be glad you made this investment in your property.

Related: 7 Ways Hydroseeding Can Improve Lawn Health in Newton and Shrewsbury, MA

About the Author

Our custom design styles and planting options can reinvigorate your home’s entrance or revitalize your backyard. Whether you’re looking to add an outdoor kitchen or need the personal touch of estate ground maintenance, we stand behind our high level of service and expert workmanship.


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